Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Spiritual Retreat on Sunday, 26th April, 2015

Dear Devotees,

We are happy to inform you that Math is conducting Spiritual Retreat on Sunday, 26th April, 2015.  Rev. Swami Raghaveshananadaji Maharaj (Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Math, Ooty) has kindly consented to conduct the same.  We cordially invite you and your friends to attend the retreat and be benefited.

Yours in the service of the Lord,

Swami Tattwarupananda



Programme Details:


8:30 am Registration

9:00 am Namavali & Bhajans By Vidwan Sri Gururaj

9:45 am Sri Ramakrishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali                                                                      By Srimat Swami Veetabhayanandaji Maharaj

10.00 am Meditation  By Srimat Swami Raghaveshanandaji  Maharaj

10:15 am Reading from “Towards the Goal Supreme”                                                             By Srimat Swami  Nishthatmanandaji Maharaj

10:20 am Tea Break

10.45 am Discourse : Sri Ramakrishna’s Advice to Devotees                                                              By Srimat Swami Raghaveshanandaji Maharaj

11.30 am Discourse  : ???? ????                                                                                                                            By Srimat Swami Tyagishwaranandaji Maharaj

12.15 pm Question & Answer

 1.00 pm Arati & Prasad

Upanishad Classes on BRIHADARANYAKA UPANISHAD (In English)

Dear Devotees
Please note Upanishad Classes BRIHADARANYAKA UPANISHAD (In English) are being helpd On all Saturdays between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM By Swami Tattwarupanandaji.
Venue: Temple Basement
With Regards
Web Team

Sri Ramanavami Special Ramanama Sankirtan on March 29

Dear Devotees
ON SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2015 AT 6:50 PM.


With Regards

Free Eye Camp and Dental Camp on 4th April 2015

Eye Camp April 2015

Summer Camp -2015

Summer Camp - Scanned Copy

Below is the application format for Summer Camp.

Summer Camp - Appl Form Scan Copy

Spiritual Retreat on Sunday,15th February, 2015


Vivekananda Study Circles in Bangalore


Swami Vivekananda and Human Excellence

On 12th January 2010, on the occasion of the birthday of Swami Vivekananda, celebrated by the Government of India as the National Youth Day, Samskrita Sangha at Indian Institute of Science had organized a talk by a monk from Ramakrishna Math, Ulsoor, Bangalore.

Here is an outline of the talk titled “Swami Vivekananda and Human Excellence”.

The world and India has seen several saints and prophets. When almost all of them talked about God, Swami Vivekananda insisted on dignity of man. The main theme of Swamiji’s lectures, private talks, writings, letters, etc. was Human Excellence. He wanted every human being to manifest the best qualities in all spheres of life. The best examples of the ideal for human excellance are Swami Vivekananda himself and Sri Krishna.

The person who has achieved the utmost excellence in his life is a man of harmony. Krishna presents a vivd picture of such a man at several occasions in the Bhagavad Gita. In his personality and life, we see harmony between pair of apparant opposites like gentleness and fearlessness, renunciation and service, faith and rationality, meditation and work, etc. Usually we meet two kinds of noble people – the meditative introverted renunciate and the ever active social worker. A harmony of both of these in the same person is the epitome of Human Excellence.

Human Excellence can be broadly classified as Character Excellence and Spiritual Excellence.

Character Excellence requires three qualities – (1) Knowledge of ways to uplift mankind, (2) Capacity to put the knowledge into practice, and most importantly, (3) Strength of conviction.  Conviction (shradda) is the most important factor and is the seed of all good action. Conviction is of three things – (1) Conviction in the potential of oneself, (2) Conviction in the power of goodness, (3) Conviction in the meaningfulness of the world and society.

There have been several people of great achievements in  Character Excellence. But ultimate fulfillment in life will come only from Spiritual Excellence. This is having the true knowledge about oneself as the pure Consciousness, ever unattached and beyond all cause-effect relationships.

Swami Vivekananda was a perfect blend of Character and Spiritual Excellence. By following his teachings, we also can strive to inculcate these concepts in our life and attain both these aspects of Human Excellence.