Author Archives: webmaster

Newsletter – February2021

The unveiling of Swami Vivekananda’s Statue at Bangalore City Railway Station (26th October 2020)


Update: Here are videos of various programs at Swami Vivekananda Memorial Park.

Dear All,

Please find below the program details of the unveiling of Swami Vivekananda’s Statue at Bangalore City Railway Station on 26th October 2020.

This program will be live-streamed at Facebook and YouTube from 8: 30 to 11 am.

Please click at below links to see Live Stream:

8: 30 AM : Bhajan by Swami Tadyukatananda
9: 30 AM : Unveiling of Statute and Benediction address by President Maharaj ( Revered Srimat Swami Smaranananda ji Maharaj)
9: 35 AM : Address by Swami Harshananda
9: 45 AM : Address by Swami Raghveshananda
9: 55 AM : Welcome address by Tattwarupananda
10: 00 AM: Address by Shri Sadananda Gowdaji, Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers in the Government of India
10: 10 AM: Address by Shri Ajit Kumar Singhji, General Manager, South Western Railway
10:20 AM: Address by Swami Mutktidanannda
10: 40 AM: Vote of thanks by Swami Garimananda

Yours in the Lord,
Swami Tattwarupananda
Ramakrishna Math, Halasuru, Bangalore
Phone: 9845764016

Live Streaming from Ramakrishna Math Halasuru

Dear Friends

Ashrama has started Live streaming of evening prayer.

As per schedule mentioned here, you can see live streaming.

Please subscribe to above channel so that you will receive notification.



Jnana Yatra

Kalapatru Day 2020 Celebrations

Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi’s Birthday Celebrations at Halasuru on 18th December 2019

Proposed statute of Swami Vivekananda in the premises of Bangalore City police station.

Appeal for Rural – Urban Educational Services

Dear Devotees, Friends and Well Wishers,


Ramakrishna Math, Halasuru, Bengaluru has been rendering rural educational services among its various humanitarian services.

Through its “Jnana Yatra” project, so far we have covered 1400 educational institutions covering 14 districts of Karnataka State.

We wish to cover the entire state of Karnataka under this project. Details of the project are given in the brochure-cum-appeal attached with this mail.

Few photos of the project are also attached.

We request you to join with us in this project by extending your financial support.

Yours in the service of the Lord,

Swami Tattwarupananda
Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Math
Halasuru, Bangalore 560 008

Mobile : 9845764016

“Truth, purity and unselfishness – wherever these are present, there is no power below or above the sun to crush the possessor thereof.” – Swami Vivekananda